43 ORIGINAL ARTICLE Journal of Nepal Medical Association   unpublished
Lattice degeneration is an important predisposing factor for retinal detachment. A cross sectional study of 221 patients and 405 eyes with axial myopia of 25mm (-3.oo diopters) or more, was conducted with an objective to find out prevalence of lattice degeneration of the retina among them. Of 221 patients, 48 (21.7%) had the lattice degeneration consisting of 35 uniocular (72.9%) and 13 binocular patients (27.1%). Of 139 males, 36 (25.89%) had lattice degeneration; of 82 females, 12 (14.63%)
more » ... lattice degeneration (RR=1.26; 95%CI=1.03-1.55; p=0.049). Axial length was from 25mm to 35.77mm (mean=27.63mm, SD 1.98). The greatest prevalence of lattice degeneration.9% (16 of 73 eyes) was found in eyes with axial length of 26mm to 26.99 mm (-6.0D to-8.97.0D), and the least incidence was 8.6% (8 of 93 eyes) in eyes with axial length 25mm to 25.99 mm (-3.0 D to-5.97.0 D). Over all prevalence of lattice degeneration was 15% (61 of 405 eyes) of eye(s) with axial length of 25 mm (-3.0 D) or more. In the age groups below 40 years, the prevalence of lattice degeneration was highest 85.24% (59 of 61 eyes). The lattice degeneration of retina is more prevalent in males of age less than 40 years with moderate axial myopia.