Differences between LAN and Cloud LANs

Babiker Salih, Aldaw Hala, Edreis
2013 International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)   unpublished
LANs have historically been designed around blazing speed while WANs have traditionally been designed around money. LANs are designed around speed in large part because LAN speeds increase at a dramatic rate. For example, in the late 1990s it was common for Fortune 500 companies to connect servers to their network using a 10Mbps connection. Today it is becoming common to attach servers to the network using 10Gbps connections. That is a factor of 1,000 increases in speed in just over a decade.
more » ... this paper we comparison between Lan And Cloud Lans and We found that the future of networks will become virtual networks, which provide us with money and costs.