ZZ production at the LHC: Fiducial cross sections and distributions in NNLO QCD

Massimiliano Grazzini, Stefan Kallweit, Dirk Rathlev
2015 Physics Letters B  
We consider QCD radiative corrections to the production of four charged leptons in the ZZ signal region at the LHC. We report on the complete calculation of the next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) corrections to this process in QCD perturbation theory. Numerical results are presented for √(s)=8 TeV, using typical selection cuts applied by the ATLAS and CMS collaborations. The NNLO corrections increase the NLO fiducial cross section by about 15%, and they have a relatively small impact on the
more » ... ape of the considered kinematical distributions. In the case of the ΔΦ distribution of the two Z candidates, the NNLO corrections improve the agreement of the theoretical prediction with the CMS data.
doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2015.09.055 fatcat:malgryknozdmxhmaea6jo45vtu