Modelling optical scattering artefacts for varying pathlength in a gel dosimeter phantom

Stephen G Bosi, Saxby Brown, Sarvenaz Sarabipour, Yves De Deene, Clive Baldock
2008 Physics in Medicine and Biology  
A gelatin phantom containing an optically scattering funnel-shaped region of elevated optical density (OD) was used to examine light-scattering-induced artefacts in a cone-beam optical CT scanner used for gel dosimetry. To simulate polymer gel dosimeters, the opacity was introduced by adding a colloidal scatterer to the gelatin. Scatter results in an underestimate of OD (hence dose). In line profiles of OD taken from 3D reconstructions of the funnel, those profiles with a long pathlength
more » ... high OD regions exhibited a 'dishing' (or 'cupping') artefact, while those of short pathlength exhibited the opposite effect-'doming'. These phenomena are accounted for by a model that includes the effect of stray, scattered light.
doi:10.1088/0031-9155/54/2/007 pmid:19088385 fatcat:s7crq74qabe2jewmwiktyq73lq