European expert consensus on rotational atherectomy

Emanuele Barbato, Didier Carrié, Petros Dardas, Jean Fajadet, Georg Gaul, Michael Haude, Ahmed Khashaba, Karel Koch, Markus Meyer-Gessner, Jorge Palazuelos, Krzysztof Reczuch, Flavio L. Ribichini (+14 others)
2015 EuroIntervention  
The interest in rotational atherectomy (RA) has increased over the past decade as a consequence of more complex and calcified coronary stenoses being attempted with percutaneous coronary interventions. Yet adoption of RA is hampered by several factors: amongst others, by the lack of a standardised protocol. This European expert consensus document stems from the awareness of the large heterogeneity in the protocols adopted to perform rotational atherectomy. The objective of the present document
more » ... s to provide some points of consensus among highly experienced operators on the most controversial steps of RA in an attempt to build the basis of a standardised and universally accepted protocol.
doi:10.4244/eijv11i1a6 pmid:25982648 fatcat:7c77rwuarbfqxo36encuilwvvm