The Role of Ombudsman to Encourage The Citizens' Participation in Public Service Supervision through Ombudsman Network

Aulia Sholichah Iman Nur Chotimah, Idrus Affandi
2018 Proceedings of the Annual Civic Education Conference (ACEC 2018)   unpublished
Citizens certainly have rights and obligations; one form of citizens' rights is obtaining good public services. In public service, most of the citizens do not understand that there is a right of the citizens to complain or to give feedback about the service received if the implementer and the organizer do the service standard wrong. Ombudsman institution as a state institution which has the duty to oversee the implementation of public services should be better known to the public. In fact,
more » ... sman institution is still unknown to the citizens specifically in Central Java because the ombudsman institution is only located at the center of Central Java and it has its representative only in the province. Even though in the article 2 of the Law, it has been mentioned that the Ombudsman may form Ombudsman representatives in the province and / or in the district and city. However, due to the limitations of the Ombudsman, it only comes to the province representatives. It makes the supervision of public services limited and requires citizen's participation to assist in the implementation of public service supervision. This study uses qualitative method. This research deeply explores about how the Ombudsman's efforts of Central Java Representative to encourage citizens' participation in the public services supervision. The result of this research is about the Ombudsman Network which consists of various backgrounds as the tool of the Central Java Ombudsman representative to encourage public participation in public service supervision. Keywords-the role of ombudsman; the citizens participation; public service supervision; ombudsman network Annual Civic Education Conference (ACEC 2018)
doi:10.2991/acec-18.2018.142 fatcat:xdikvumjefah5phbj4r6jfkiu4