Internet-the future delivery channel for banking services?

G. Yan, J.C. Paradi
Proceedings of the Thirty-First Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences  
A bstract M uch has happened in the w orld of Internet banking since w e started exam ining the param eters of bank participation and the potential risks involved in Internet banking from a custom er's point of view in our previous study. In order to assess the im p orta nce of the Internet as a future d elivery m echa nism for the b anking in dustry, w e no w fo cus o n the potential risks in volved in offering Internet services fro m the banks' point of view . B y correlating the risks
more » ... ed by both custom ers and banks w ith the actual Internet services offered, w e provide a m ore com plete picture of the requirem ents and concerns in this new w ay of doing business now and in the future.
doi:10.1109/hicss.1998.655285 dblp:conf/hicss/YanP98 fatcat:ccimsje5d5dzpi2vg6npqmcdxq