Statistical Analysis of Common Diseases of College Students According to Different Grades

Hongjun Teng, Zhenbo Bao, Hongying Sun, Yu Shi
2017 Proceedings of the 2016 7th International Conference on Education, Management, Computer and Medicine (EMCM 2016)   unpublished
In order to provide basis for medical and health care, the statistical analysis was made on the outpatient visits of the students in grade 2 to 4 in Tianjin Agricultural College from September to December in 2016. The 10 common diseases of colds, upper respiratory tract infection, excessive internal heat, sprain, gastroenteritis, skin irritation, toothache, stomachache, and bronchitis and eye fatigue were analyzed statistically, it found that the incidence of colds, upper respiratory tract
more » ... tions and excessive internal heat were higher; the incidence of common diseases tended to decrease with the growth of grade. The incidence of upper respiratory tract infection, sprain, stomachache and bronchitis of second grade was higher than that of the third grade and fourth grade, and the incidence of colds, excessive internal heat and skin irritation of fourth-grade was lower than the second and third grade; the reasons are that the low grade students have low self-living ability, lack of health care knowledge, and low immune function. Due to senior students facing heavy academic, PG entrance exam and other academic pressure, the incidence of eye fatigue was higher. Health care workers should adopt appropriate health education measures to improve the health level of college students.
doi:10.2991/emcm-16.2017.217 fatcat:wpnxoukhlnbmrm5gkjvlvzpyea