Spin decoherence and manipulation in quantum dots, the role of the spin-orbit interaction

Massoud Borhani, Jörg Lehmann, Daniel Loss
2010 unpublished
III and IV that the spin-orbit interaction can play a positive role, in order to rotate the spin around the Bloch sphere. We consider different mechanisms, particularly, Electron Dipole Spin Resonance (EDSR) and holonomic unitary gates in quantum dots. We verify that these mechanisms of spin manipulation can be realized in solid state systems with the state of the art semiconductor technologies. Chapter V of this thesis covers a slightly different topic and focuses on the role of the Coulomb
more » ... eraction in electronic transport. There, we review the non-analytic corrections to the Fermi liquid behavior and their consequences on the momentum occupation number of the electrons in a two dimensional electron gas (2DEG). As an example, we calculate the tunneling rate from an interacting electron reservoir onto a quantum dot and compare our result to the corresponding case for electron tunneling between bilayer 2DEGs. Moreover, within RP A approximation, we find that the electron-plasmon coupling leads to a quadratic frequency dependence of the electron self energy at low frequencies at the Fermi surface. This correction suppresses the same order corrections due to the particle-hole bubble. Finally, the details of some calculations, which did not fit into the bulk of the thesis, and the collection of related references are presented at the end of this manuscript.
doi:10.5451/unibas-005390500 fatcat:jtwi5xpdubaoxdvs4a4b3rfqiu