Correlation coefficient analysis in twelve gladiolus (Gladiolus hybrids Hort.) genotypes

Dhara Singh, Ashutosh Mishra, Jitendra Singh, Vikas Kumar Khattik, Balram Meena
2017 Journal of Applied and Natural Science  
Study was undertaken to analyses the correlation co-efficient for twenty seven characters in twelve genotypes of gladiolus (Gladiolus hybridusHort.) grown atthe Instructional Farm, Department of Floriculture & Landscaping, College of Horticulture & Forestry, Jhalarapatan, Jhalawar. Spike length had highly positive association with rachis length (rg:0.92, rp:0.88), floret diameter (rg:0.94, rp:0.0.74), spike diameter (rg:0.66, rp:0.50), duration of flowering (rg:0.71, rp:0.42), number of florets
more » ... per spike (rg:0.89, rp:0.84), number of cormels per plant (rg:0.69, rp:0.65), diameter of corm (rg:0.48, rp:0.41), weight of corm (rg:0.44, rp:0.40), weight of cormels per plant (rg:0.20, rp:0.19), size index of corms (rg:0.41, rp:0.38), florets remaining open at a time in vase (rg:0.56, rp:0.33). At both genotypic and phenotypic levels it had negative correlation with number of spikes per plot (rg:-0.56, rp:-0.48), number of corms per plant (rg:-0.72, rp:-0.50), number of corms per plot (rg:-0.60, rp:-0.54) and florets remaining unopened (rg:-0.39, rp:-0.37). It was observed that for most of the characters genotypic correlation coefficients were higher than phenotypic correlation coefficients.
doi:10.31018/jans.v9i2.1262 fatcat:2aelsvftxraiddcs5ajwoctkoi