Rozwój cywilizacji kapitalistycznej w perspektywie teorii systemu-świata

Tomasz Pawłuszko
2017 Cywilizacja i Polityka  
Article explores the issue of genesis and development of the "world-system analysis" and focuses on its approach to the proces of globalization. From the point of view of world-system analyses the global economic system has emerged since the sixteenth century. For centuries global economy has been based on the international division of labour. It creates a new kind of "capitalistic civiliation". This paper aims to discuss the development of theoretical framework of the world-system analysis.
more » ... ides, I try to outline contemporary scientific and political-economic challenges for the concept of capitalistic civilization.
doi:10.5604/01.3001.0010.5459 fatcat:5ivkk3fhqjdnvowjlrkz3whssm