Evaluasi Pasca Huni Studio Gambar Program Studi Arsitektur Fakultas Teknik UNLAM

Anna Oktaviana, Dan Dahliani, Widia Prima, Wastuty
2005 unpublished
Drawing studio at Program Study of Architecture of UNLAM at this moment was felt unsupported the studying process if evaluated from the available space concerning the moving space requirement, equipment of support facility (for example the drawing desk, desk, locker, etc.), the furniture arrangement situation regarding the human being movement circulation. This study conducted in order to get a good drawing studio condition evaluated from equipment of furniture facility, moving space
more » ... and the furniture arrangement situation move and location arrange the furniture situation to amenity the circulation movement of people. Data analysing will be using comparison method and rule about equipment of furniture facility, the furniture arrangement and space between furniture in the standard regulation become the reference to be compared to existing condition. Data obtained by this study was the form of qualitative data and quantitative data will be analysed qualitative in the form of studio layout drawing. Base to the conducted study hence obtained the conclusion that equipment of furniture facility was lack in number, the existing furniture arrangement of drawing studio at this moment did not support the good atmosphere needed, and existing moving space available for circulation in this time did not reach the standard regulation requirement. Overall evaluation concerning the equipment of furniture facility, the furniture arrangement, and standard moving space circulation compared to the existing moving space, and also number of student, hence obtained the conclusion that wide of drawing studio at this moment cannot served the comfortable activity needed. PENDAHULUAN Latar Belakang Salah satu proses kegiatan pembelajaran yang penting di Program Studi Teknik Arsitektur adalah kegiatan perancangan yang dilakukan di studio gambar. Kegiatan perancangan yang dimaksud melingkupi membuat konsep, rancangan (gambar dua dimensi) dan model maket. Kegiatan tersebut memerlukan wadah yang dapat menunjang konsentrasi serta kreatifitas dari mahasiswa. Studio gambar arsitektur yang ada saat ini dirasakan kurang menunjang proses pembelajaran ditinjau dari luasan ruang terhadap kebutuhan ruang gerak, kelengkapan fasilitas penunjang (antara lain meja gambar, meja tulis, rak penyimpanan gambar), tata letak perabot terhadap sirkulasi pergerakan manusia. Berdasarkan kondisi tersebut diatas, maka diperlukan studio gambar yang baik sesuai dengan standar ditinjau dari kebutuhan ruang yang diperlukan untuk tiap mahasiswa, tersedianya fasilitas penunjang yang cukup lengkap, sirkulasi pergerakan yang nyaman. Sehingga diharapkan dapat menunjang proses pembelajaran di studio dan menumbuhkan minat serta kreatifitas mahasiswa.