Pulmonary Embolism and Wilms' Tumor. Can It Be Any Worse? Case Report

Abdulrahaman Al Zhran, Abdullah Baothman
2021 American journal of health, medicine and nursing practice  
It is common for Wilms tumor to invade the inferior vena cava and right atrium, but a massive pulmonary embolism is rare. This case report describes an 8-year-old male patient who presented to an outpatient clinic with mild pain associated with subjective fever for 1 week. A left renal mass with extension of an inferior vena cava thrombus was seen on abdominal computed tomography, suggesting a Wilms tumor. An exploratory laparotomy biopsy was scheduled, but not completed because the patient's
more » ... alth suddenly deteriorated, and he died despite high-quality cardiopulmonary resuscitation. A massive pulmonary embolism was found to cause a sudden and fatal cardiac arrest.
doi:10.47672/ajhmn.694 fatcat:rm4bdv5unnd67jy7y3hvoftcaq