The Nanaimo Free Press [Saturday, April 8, 1916]
(:Unkn) Unknown, University, My, University, My
ME SEIOlNi EVI DENCE ABOUT KING CONTRACT ■ Ui« PobUc AccoanU f^omnlUee AccouBi*. aad OoerdoB. -the . a lUrilal of Jnultd Otuwa. April 7.-8oma of the i4oK KmuUonat evldMice eWeo li ^ to pubMc accounu commlttc m haard thU mornloB In the con atlon of C. E. Mallon rtparltitendent for C. E. MacDonell »nlM»ntraclor on Victoria harbo dre&inf. At a prerlous liearlnK wit neas bad told the atorr of the partner ahip of Contractor HacDoneil wit) two cDTemmant dredcinit official appointed br Hon. Robt.
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... t naaelr. John L. Nelson, anpcrlnten dent of goremment dredging, and J eiaeLachlan. tealdent engineer of pu' e^fled to the amount of materia ajdiklad of material dredged. I Work waa began in inly,' anrir In the game Maltory began t saspect that big graft waa bein: palled off. 6o be aurted a diary, re eording priTate conyeraatlona am the Inaide workings of the partner skip with a Tiew of protecting him self later. By September he ha. learned that 26.288 cubic yards o rock at ♦».10 per yard bad been re turned as dredged, when the actus amount of real rock waa about 600 yards. The rest of the 26.000 yard ■W made up of loose material whieh abonid hare been paid for a ! t^M rate of 62 cents per yard. H i sMlmated the total graft to Septetn . Wat about $160,000. 'VaUory testified that he had mad B. Carrell continue the examlnaUoi Mallory testified that he bad mad $p the July estimate of work don Ya the subcontractor, C. E. Mai Ooaell, placing the amount of roe ekosTated at 1788 cubic yarda. fo which $1.10 per yard waa to be pale' "Did you belleTe there was thr mneh rock taken out?" asked M '*CanmU. I'Vo. dr." "Then how do yon inatlfy yon ; 4timnte?" ' ! "I had Inatruetlona from J. L. Nei drad^g. and from O. E. MacDon Ml." **Ware yon In the employ of tbes' "Tee. air." "Only oatensibly in the employ o' Malanf" said Mr. Barnard, of Vie "I eonaidered myself under bU o: dera "Was any money erer paid to Nel Wltnees produced a receipt to 12000 receired by .Nelson from Mac DonelL He also submitted a writ tan order from MacDonell. asking th. inly estimate be made op on a basi. of $$ 1-2 par cent profit orer all ex penaea. Including rent, automobiles etc., aad notes due In Vancourer. For the Auguit estimate he was gtren the same Instruction. He had nnestloned HcLaughiln on July 30. bnt MeLaughiln said be had no trou ble with OtUwa so far. The August eatlmate waa hard to make up. Paeifie Dredging Co. bad excavated a let of earth for HcDoneil but it only earth prices were charged there TODAY •JO to 11 p.ns. Cos MARIE DO 10 TheWhite Pearl Tbe faramoont Tpavel Series