Kekerasan Simbolik dan Politik Perempuan di Aceh

Musdawati Musdawati
2016 Substantia. Jurnal ilmu-ilmu ushuluddin  
This article examines the theory of Pierre Bourdieu, a French sociologist, in dismantling mechanisms of injustice against women in the realm of practical politics. The idea of Bourdieu's theory of habitus, capital, arena, violence and symbolic power will be used as the perspective of gender inequality in uncovering the mechanisms of violence against women, particularly women involved in politics. The occurrence of various forms of violence against women, according to Bourdieu's theory, can not
more » ... e separated from their symbolic violence that became the basis for other types of violence, such as physical, psychological, economic, and sexual. Symbolic violence is a form of violence that is not easily recognizable. Violence operates through symbols the object hegemonic discourse dominated. The roots of this violence habitus operates through women who are positioned as subordinate in society. Violence that works at the level of discourse, it will not make women understand and appreciate that they become the object and will not resist
doi:10.22373/substantia.v18i0.8980 fatcat:s4ekqh5gjrchtd7iind6xydmne