Fluorescence and Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of Thallous Ions - Crown Ether Complexes in Organic Solvents

T. Platzner, J. K. Thomas
1978 Zeitschrift für Naturforschung. B, A journal of chemical sciences  
The complexing of thallous ions (T1+), with the crown ether dibenzo 18 crown-6 poly-ether (DB) has been studied by NMR, fluorescence, and pulse radiolysis techniques. NMR data show a strong interaction of the T1+ ions with the aromatic moieties. This is also illustrated by a static quenching of the aromatic fluorescence by Tl+ . The rates of reactions of T1+ with hydrated electrons eaq- and pyrene excited singlet states are decreases on complexing the ion by the crown ether.
doi:10.1515/znb-1978-0610 fatcat:n5izw3lon5btpo4kheqmrrk6eq