Adaptation model for testing android application

Maryam Ahmed, Rosziati Ibrahim, Noraini Ibrahim
2015 2015 Second International Conference on Computing Technology and Information Management (ICCTIM)  
Software testing is an exhaustive effort which in practice typically takes about 50% of the total cost of software development process. Software testing adaptation model would not only reduce the cost of software development but at the same time increase the reliability of software applications. There is need for an enhanced technique for testing mobile application considering the high demand of android based mobile apps, hence their quality. In this paper, we review related work on mobile
more » ... cation testing. An adaptation model is proposed from the reweb and testweb model to test android applications. This improvement is expected to reduce the number of test cases generated with better completeness in testing of the software under test (SUT).
doi:10.1109/icctim.2015.7224606 fatcat:nng2eqdphfa7vlwt6kiafgybrq