Waves in almost periodic particle chains

Y. Mazor, Ben Z. Steinberg
2014 Physical Review B  
Almost periodic particle chains exhibit peculiar propagation properties that are not observed in perfectly periodic ones. Furthermore, since they inherently support non-negligible long-range interactions and radiation through the surrounding free-space, nearest-neighbor approximations cannot be invoked. Hence the governing operator is fundamentally different than that used in traditional analysis of almost periodic structures, e.g. Harper's model and Almost-Mathieu difference equations. We
more » ... nt a mathematical framework for the analysis of almost periodic particle chains, and study their electrodynamic properties. We show that they support guided modes that exhibit a complex interaction mechanism with the light-cone. These modes possess a two-dimensional fractal-like structure in the frequency-wavenumber space, such that a modal phase-velocity cannot be uniquely defined. However, a well defined group velocity is revealed due to the fractal's inner-structure.
doi:10.1103/physrevb.90.045151 fatcat:ylorq5s4kndhlkda3go73p3ed4