Disappearance of the de Almeida-Thouless line in six dimensions

M. A. Moore, A. J. Bray
2011 Physical Review B  
We show that the Almeida-Thouless line in Ising spin glasses vanishes when their dimension d -> 6 as h_AT^2/T_c^2 = C(d-6)^4(1- T/T_c)^d/2 - 1, where C is a constant of order unity. An equivalent result which could be checked by simulations is given for the one-dimensional Ising spin glass with long-range interactions. It is shown that replica symmetry breaking also stops as d -> 6.
doi:10.1103/physrevb.83.224408 fatcat:fb6xep4y2rcdlpn4f4v423qh3e