Hyperpolarizability Effects in a Sr Optical Lattice Clock

Anders Brusch, Rodolphe Le Targat, Xavier Baillard, Mathilde Fouché, Pierre Lemonde
2006 Physical Review Letters  
We report the observation of the higher order frequency shift due to the trapping field in a ^87Sr optical lattice clock. We show that at the magic wavelength of the lattice, where the first order term cancels, the higher order shift will not constitute a limitation to the fractional accuracy of the clock at a level of 10^-18. This result is achieved by operating the clock at very high trapping intensity up to 400 kW/cm^2 and by a specific study of the effect of the two two-photon transitions near the magic wavelength.
doi:10.1103/physrevlett.96.103003 pmid:16605730 fatcat:d3rwob33mjhnzlnw66xwp5265q