Capturing the cultural boundary among the members' interactions in a multinational workgroup: An evidence from System for the Multiple Level Observation of Groups analysis

Quynh-Trang Nguyen, Ming-Yen Lee, Femi Olan
2019 Cogent Business & Management  
In order to capture the cultural boundary among international group members under the globalization context, this study conducted SYMLOG (A System for the Multiple Level Observation of Groups) approach through a case study on an international marine transport company. With questionnaire surveys, on-site observation, and individual and group interview, we adopted the field diagrams, interaction forms and thematic analysis to examine differences among members' interactions, which resulted from a
more » ... ultural boundary. The findings clearly explained the cultural impacts on individual behaviors and indicated that cultural schema will lead group members with similar cultural backgrounds to create a boundary toward members from different backgrounds. It also provided valuable insights and management guidance for leaders of multicultural teams to handle differences and conflicts due to cultural forces.
doi:10.1080/23311975.2019.1685062 fatcat:ovuqtycxejch5e2mlmq6m4tjsi