Analysis of Primary School Students' Attitudes towards the Culture of Life

Edin Kukavica, Faculty of Political Science, University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo-71000, Bosnia & Herzegovina.
2021 Asian Journal of Interdisciplinary Research  
The culture of life is a theological-philosophical term, which signifies a commitment to respect and protect life. The aim of this study was to investigate students' attitudes towards the culture of life in Sarajevo Canton. Research included a sample of 1204 students of 6th grade of primary schools in Sarajevo Canton, divided into two subsamples of 602 students attending schools in suburban and urban parts of Sarajevo Canton, we examined the attitudes of students who acquired competencies in
more » ... subject Culture of Living to the aspect of culture as a phenomenon, with all its integral wholes from healthy lifestyles, through general cultural habits to traditional values. The results obtained by factor analysis indicate that students attending schools in the suburbs of Sarajevo Canton determine attitudes that have the premise of education in relation to students attending schools in urban areas of Sarajevo Canton, which are more determined by educational categories of attitudes. to conclude that the children of suburban schools have a greater influence of parents and families on attitudes compared to urban schools where the influence of teachers and schools is greater, based on the attitudes of students through a survey conducted.
doi:10.54392/ajir2146 fatcat:snz23ywcanfr7j2mheewywt64m