Revitalisasi Fungsi Teologi Islam dalam Konteks Multikultural Perspektif Fethullah Gulen

Muhammad Said
2016 Farabi  
This article describes on the neccesity of renewal Islamic theology within context of pluralism and multiculturalism society. One of the contemporary Muslim scholars, Fethullah Gulen, could be considered among the most influential Muslim theologians of our time. His work focus on redefining the nature of Islamic discourse in the contemporary world by doing interreligious and intercultural dialogue. Nowdays, we need to shift our paradigm from classical kalam which dogmatic, abstract, and
more » ... e to more practical theology based on contemporary life needs, which is called "social theology". Gulen's theological discourse distinguished for his support of democracy, humanism, openness to globalization, progressiveness in integrating tradition with modernity, and to make sense of pluralistic-piety.
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