Constructal theory of parabolic scaling

S. Périn
2012 Design and Nature VI   unpublished
The parabolic scaling of rank-size distributions is a very common phenomenon in natural or societal systems such as city sizes, petroleum reservoirs, or galactic intensities. Often, the divergence from a log-log linear power-law is explained by the finite size of the system studied. Several distribution functions were also proposed to best fit this kind of distribution, such as the parabolic fractal or the stretched exponential. In order to explain the emergence of this rank-size distribution
more » ... ttern, we propose instead to consider a generic mechanism of constructal tree-shaped invasion of a territory combined with the constructal rank-size distribution of a growing flow architecture as the mechanism potentially generating a wide variety of parabolically scaling distributions. Simulations of this mechanism were conducted and we showed that it generated shorter and curved distribution tails similar to a parabolic scaling. In conclusion, we propose to consider the constructal law as the first principle behind the generation of parabolic scaling of rank-size distributions in natural, societal, and engineered systems.
doi:10.2495/dn120221 fatcat:nipouuuimjf7tmz4aiio7qwf7a