Discovery of conserved long non-coding RNAs in vertebrates

S Basu, R Sanges
2012 EMBnet journal  
Motivations Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNA) have been reported as a major class of novel transcripts related to organism development and early neural expression pattern [1] [2] [3] [4] . They are reported to be expressed in large numbers in the mammalian transcriptomes [5, 6] and recently reported to be expressed in the teleost fishes [7, 8] . Computational identification and characterization of lncRNA from public sequence resources have been performed by different groups [9] [10] [11] . The
more » ... of attention has been on the mammalian genomes starting by the assumption that they are not well conserved in term of sequence. However, systematic studies measuring their levels of conservation among vertebrates are lacking. Hence we want to computationally evaluate the existence of vertebrate conserved lncRNAs through systematic conservation analyses of both sequence as well as genomic architecture.
doi:10.14806/ej.18.a.459 fatcat:fu6cwoi2dvftthiqzjjbsdykd4