Treatment of Humeral Shaft Fracture with Retrograde Intramedullary Nail

Ki-Bum Choi, Soo-Hwan Kang, Yoon-Min Lee, Seok-Whan Song, Youn-Jun Kim
2013 Journal of the Korean Fracture Society  
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to report the outcome of treatment of humeral shaft fracture with retrograde intramedullary nail of advanced insertion opening. Materials and Methods: From April 2005 and August 2012, 22 patients with a humeral shaft fracture were treated by a single surgeon using the technique of retrograde intramedullary nail at Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Yeouido St. Mary's Hospital (Seoul, Korea). To avoid causing fractures at the insertion site, the entry point
more » ... as more distally located than conventionally, and was extended proximally to include the proximal marginal cortex of the olecranon fossa. The outcome was evaluated clinically and radiologically. Results: The mean period of achievement of bony was 5.8 months (4-11 months). Additional fixations were needed in one patient with intraoperative lateral condylar fracture and 2 patients with postoperative nonunion. There were no limitations of movement or pain in the shoulder joint, and 8 cases had a 6.5 o flexion contracture on average. Conclusion: This retrograde intramedullary fixation technique using a distal entry portal near the olecranon fossa is particularly useful in humeral shaft fractures without a neurovascular injury. The risk of an intraoperative fracture (supracondylar fracture or fracture around the entry portal) can be decreased using this treatment. We recommend this technique because of the safety and the satisfactory outcome.
doi:10.12671/jkfs.2013.26.4.299 fatcat:wrq7dkkmlrcd3bd2rcnl7xpyoe