Priority study of infrastructure development at Suburban Pekanbaru (Case study: Tambang District)

D Ismiyanti, F Asteriani, P Astuti
2019 IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environment  
The problems in the field of infrastructure are the main problems in the suburban of Pekanbaru, making it difficult to determine the priority of infrastructure development most needed by the community. The Analytical Hierarchy Process method and weighting of variables in priority setting are used in infrastructure development. The results of this study indicate that the average development of infrastructure is 20.75%. The priority of infrastructure development is road network (0.165), housing
more » ... .095), educational facilities (0.089), economic facilities (0.086), health facilities (0.075), clean water (0.074), bridges (0.067), electricity grids (0.066) (0.059), telecommunication network (0.051), government facilities (0.049), garbage and drainage facilities (0.042), and sports facilities (0.041).
doi:10.1088/1755-1315/340/1/012014 fatcat:iu5xc3hzpnea7ecwhwer7xfweq