A New Coding Technique for Scalable Video Service of Digital Hologram
디지털 홀로그램의 적응적 비디오 서비스를 위한 코딩 기법

Young-Ho Seo, Yoon-Jin Bea, Yoon-Hyuk Lee, Hyun-Jun Choi, Ji-Sang Yoo, Dong-Wook Kim
2012 Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers  
In this paper, we discuss and propose a new algorithm of coding technique for scalably servicing holographic video in various decoding environment. The proposed algorithm consists of the hologram-based resolution scalable coding (HRS) and the light source-based SNR scalable coding (LSS). They are classified by the method generating and capturing hologram. HRS is a scalable coding technique for the optically captured hologram and LSS is one for the light source before generating hologram. HRS
more » ... provide the scalable service of 8 steps with the compression ratio from 1:1 to 100:1 for a 1,024×1,024 hologram. LSS can also provide the various service depending on the number of the light source division using lossless compression. The proposed techniques showed the scalable holographic video service according to the display with the various resolutions, computational power of the receiving equipment, and the network bandwidth.
doi:10.5573/ieek.2012.49.9.092 fatcat:7ze2bftzcbb63n5qhbui262fxi