Quantum search algorithms on the hypercube

Birgit Hein, Gregor Tanner
2009 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical  
We investigate a set of discrete-time quantum search algorithms on the n-dimensional hypercube following a proposal by Shenvi, Kempe and Whaley. We show that there exists a whole class of quantum search algorithms in the symmetry reduced space which perform a search of a marked vertex in time of order √(N) where N = 2^n, the number of vertices. In analogy to Grover's algorithm, the spatial search is effectively facilitated through a rotation in a two-level sub-space of the full Hilbert space.
more » ... the hypercube, these two-level systems are introduced through avoided crossings. We give estimates on the quantum states forming the 2-level sub-spaces at the avoided crossings and derive improved estimates on the search times.
doi:10.1088/1751-8113/42/8/085303 fatcat:26tbh5cr5bcipfef5sc2atkqn4