Mechanisms of ultrafast melting induced by femtosecond hardX-ray pulse in single-crystal silicon:

Victor Tkachenko, Malik Abdullah, Zoltan Jurek, Nikita Medvedev, Vladimir Lipp, Mikako Makita, Beata Ziaja
In this work, we analyze the application of X-ray diffraction imaging techniques to follow ultrafast structural transitions in solid materials using the example of an X-ray pump–X-ray probe experiment with a single-crystal silicon performed at a Linac Coherent Light Source. Due to the spatially non-uniform profile of the X-ray beam, the diffractive signal recorded in this experiment included contributions from crystal parts experiencing different fluences from the peak fluence down to zero.
more » ... our theoretical model, we could identify specific processes contributing to the silicon melting in those crystal regions, i.e., the non-thermal and thermal melting whose occurrences depended on the locally absorbed X-ray doses. We then constructed the total volume-integrated signal by summing up the coherent signal contributions (amplitudes) from the various crystal regions and found that this significantly differed from the signals obtained for a few selected uniform fluence values, including the peak fluence. This shows that the diffraction imaging signal obtained for a structurally damaged material after an impact of a non-uniform X-ray pump pulse cannot be always interpreted as the material's response to a pulse of a specific (e.g., peak) fluence as it is sometimes believed. This observation has to be taken into account in planning and interpreting future experiments investigating structural changes in materials with X-ray diffraction imaging.
doi:10.3204/pubdb-2021-01628 fatcat:ecpc7kmtmvhshl66ejb3rnncl4