Board Structure and Firm Performance:Evidence from Emerging Market

2020 International journal of recent technology and engineering  
This paper fulfils the purpose by studying the effect of corporate board structure i.e., board size and independent director on firm financial performance for selected focused and diversified Indian companies. This study analyses the corporate governance structure of 76 Indian companies (60 focused and 16 diversified companies) listed on the BSE-Sensex for ten years from the year 2007-2016 using panel data analysis. The empirical findings showed a positive relationship of board size with firm
more » ... rformance and significant negative association of independent director with the corporate performance of focused Indian firms, while in the diversified Indian firm, board size found to be positively related to financial performance and independent director found to be negatively related to corporate performance. The result has shown that board structure has seemed to be significant in listed focused firm with firm performance while board structure of diversified firm seems to be insignificant with firm performance, it might be because of small sample size and dynamics of an emerging economy in India which is different from the developed economies of the world. This study implied that in emerging or developing economy like India, lower independent director usually boost company value, and adequate board size will significantly impact on firm performance both in case of focused and diversified firms. This research paper contribute and fill existing gap in literature on corporate governance by examining and establishing relation between firm performance and board structure with focused and diversified Indian firms.
doi:10.35940/ijrte.e4834.018520 fatcat:i3upc4vdizc5jgvlrjzyslp2vi