High-energy effective theory for a bulk brane
Claudia de Rham, Shunsuke Fujii, Tetsuya Shiromizu, Hirotaka Yoshino
Physical Review D
We derive an effective theory describing the physics of a bulk brane in the context of the RS1 model. This theory goes beyond the usual low energy effective theory in that it describes the regime where the bulk brane has a large velocity and the radion can change rapidly. We achieve this by concentrating on the region where the distance between the orbifold planes is small in comparison to the AdS length scale. Consequently our effective theory will describe the physics shortly before a
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... ndary or boundary/boundary brane collision. We study the cosmological solutions and find that, at large velocities, the bulk brane decouples from the matter on the boundary branes, a result which remains true for cosmological perturbations.