Relation between depolarization and repolarization phases in body surface QRST integral map

M. Fereniec, M. Kania, G. Stix, T. Mroczka, R. Maniewski
2007 2007 Computers in Cardiology  
The aim of the study was to assess the relations between QRST and STT, QRS integral maps in three groups: healthy volunteers, patients without arrhythmia and patients with implanted cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD). The obtained results showed that the mean correlation coefficient between STT and QRST integral maps was highest in the group of healthy subjects while the mean correlation coefficient between QRS and QRST integral maps was lowest in the same group of subjects. The relation of
more » ... rization phase with repolarization phase and the influence of depolarization sequence on repolarization sequence is noticeably disrupted in patients with impaired systolic function. In such cases the QRST integral maps seems to reflect depolarizationrepolarization disorder rather than only repolarization dispersion.
doi:10.1109/cic.2007.4745516 fatcat:tbbqmihgcvgrbdb7x6h5lmmdsq