Perception of Global Issues of Environment and Circular Economy by Generation Z

Iveta Malikova, T. Kliestik
2021 SHS Web of Conferences  
Research background: Man has been interfering in the environment with his action since ancient time. At the very begging, these were only small interventions, but with scientific and technical development, the interconnection of national economies and the growth of population and consumptions, these interventions are so significant that there is a risk of depletion of some non-renewable resources and degradation of the natural environment. Experts have agreed that these are problems with a
more » ... l dimension and they have been pointing out the need to address these issues for decades. Purpose of the article: The paper is aimed at representatives of the Z generation in order to show how this generation perceives the current global environmental issues and what is their view on the application of the circular economy in practice. Methods: Survey analysis. Findings & Value added: There are many companies which are aware of the fact and they have started to apply the concept of the circular economy in order to eliminate the negative effects on the environment. This concept consists of using fewer resources in the production of new products through more efficient process and the prevention of waste trough reuse, repair treatment and recycling. All product and material flows will be reintegrated into their cycle after their use, where they will subsequently become resources for the production of the new products and services. Companies that put this concept into practice can gain a competitive advantage in the market by providing consumers with products which are more durable, innovative and mainly environmentally friendly.
doi:10.1051/shsconf/20219205018 fatcat:penj4mdolnbw5bng6nd6v33254