Capture and release of traveling intrinsic localized mode in coupled cantilever array

Masayuki Kimura, Takashi Hikihara
2009 Chaos  
A method to manipulate intrinsic localized mode ͑ILM͒ is numerically discussed in a nonlinear coupled oscillator array, which is obtained by modeling a microcantilever array. Prior to the manipulation, coexistence and dynamical stability of standing ILMs are first investigated. The stability of coexisting ILMs is determined by a nonlinear coupling coefficient of the array. In addition, the global phase structure, which dominates traveling ILMs, is also changed with the stability. It makes
more » ... le to manipulate a traveling ILM by adjusting the nonlinear coupling coefficient. The capture and release manipulation of the traveling ILM is shown numerically. Energy localization is very often observed in spatially extended system. Even in a homogeneous coupled oscillator, a localized excitation is caused by discreteness and nonlinearity. The localized excitation is intrinsic localized mode, which is also called discrete breather, first found by Sievers and Takeno. By various theoretical and numerical studies, properties of intrinsic localized mode have been revealed. In addition, experimental studies recently appear to confirm the properties. Intrinsic localized mode is observed in electronic circuit ladders, optical wave guides, and micromechanical oscillator arrays. It has been suggested that intrinsic localized mode can be utilized for applications to practical engineering. A new application using localized oscillations should include appropriate control methods. The basis of such control methods is the manipulation of the intrinsic localized mode. We discuss how to manipulate a localized excitation. a͒ Electronic
doi:10.1063/1.3097068 pmid:19335002 fatcat:vnfllo65rnclnlpxmamnpli6qm