VHF EPR determination of the chemical forms of organic sulfur in coal [report]

R.B. Clarkson
1991 unpublished
Very High Frequency Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (VHF EPR) spectroscopy has demonstrated the ability to observe organic sulfur in coal. We have constructed a unique VHF EPR instrument operating at the W-band (96 GHz), one of only four such instruments in the world, and the only one studying coal. We are employing this instrument, as well as collaborating with scientists at Cornell University, who have a 250 GHz spectrometer, to develop a clearer understanding of the relationships between the
more » ... VHF EPR spectra we observe from Illinois coal and the organic sulfur species present in it.
doi:10.2172/5986864 fatcat:dmeybxom5nhapdzpxc2ajlh3xe