A Study on the Evaluation of the Web Accessibility of a Domestic General Shopping Site with a High Number of Visits: Focusing on the Attributes of Alternative Texts with "img" Tags

Eun-Ju Park, Hankyu Lim
2014 unpublished
Web accessibility means that everyone can benefit from all available information services, regardless of disabilities. Ensuring accessibility is essential in society today where all aspects of daily life are connected via the web. In the present study, the accessibility levels of 16 of the most frequent general shopping sites that domestic web users visited were evaluated. As these general shopping sites contain many images, the accessibility evaluation centered on 'alternative text provision',
more » ... which is an accessibility element related to images. According to the results of the evaluation, the scores for 'alternative text provision' were very high, with an average of 94.8. However, according to the results of a source analysis, the alternative texts were not properly used in many cases. Therefore, continuous attention and improvement are necessary for web accessibility.
doi:10.14257/astl.2014.67.05 fatcat:rivlmrizqfbupd7nul63a53tte