A feminine style of management in the contemporary business world

Irina Nikulina, Igor Khomenko, Anna Sediakina, Viktor Kanov, I. Ardashkin, N. Martyushev
2016 SHS Web of Conferences  
The main goal of the article is to provide the insight on the gender management in connection with contemporary management. There have been wide ranges of scientific discussions regarding the question of a specific management style that women use in the business practice. A traditional approach indicates that there is no such way of managing an organization as a feminine management style. The traditional approach emphasise that women tend to use the men's leading style with slight adjustments
more » ... ch as human relations and intuition. A new approach to management indicates that the women's management style is a reality of any contemporary organization. Hence, a distinct approach to the feminine style of management and its influence on an organization will be explored in this article. Also specific guidelines that women managers can use to become successful in the administrative positions will be described. Data used in the article include the Russian Federation and European statistics on women occupying administrative positions. ,
doi:10.1051/shsconf/20162801153 fatcat:6clpy7dodjgabbhil4ttuxzocy