Renaissance Park [report]

Brad Collett, Jessica Taylor
2014 unpublished
1. Removed 34,000 cu yd of contaminated soil from the 100-year floodplain and sealed it safely within the park's iconic landforms. This includes 12,000 cu yd of soil commingled with enamel frit, which was leaching contaminants into groundwater. Methodology: This performance indicator is based on the thorough review of information provided and cut/fill calculations performed by the project's consulting team. The site's industrial past as a manufacturing/finishing facility for consumer-grade
more » ... s contaminated soil throughout the site to varying degrees and with a range of toxic contaminants, including PCBs, heavy metals, cyanide, SVOCs and VOCs. The most threatening was 12,000 cubic yards of soil comingled with enamel frit. Capped waste cells where the manufacturer had disposed of this material were leaching contaminants into groundwater resources, creating a contaminated groundwater bloom down gradient from the capped cells.
doi:10.31353/cs0660 fatcat:5lhzmoiudvfgvli2cman5vbvh4