A Case of Pleomorphic Variant of Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma in Skeletal Muscle - A Rare Case Report

Shital Dharrao, Preeti Bajaj, S. V. Mahajan
2016 MVP Journal of Medical Sciences  
Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma (ERMS) is a malignant soft tissue tumour with phenotypical and biological features of embryonic skeletal muscle cells. It is rare in skeletal musculature of extremities and its pleomorphic variant is rare which is associated with worse outcome. Here we are discussing a case of three year old male child who has presented with recurrence of swelling in right gluteal region arising in gluteus maximus muscle who is a known case of Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) 1 year back at the
more » ... same site. Patient was operated with wide local excision and underwent chemotherapy cycles.
doi:10.18311/mvpjms/2016/v3/i2/7683 fatcat:qhegypakdrfgfa7rk7c66jtana