Experimental investigation of the microhardness and surface roughness of a pressure-die-casted A413 alloy on milling using the desirability approach
Eksperimentalna raziskava mikrotrdote in površinske hrapavosti po rezkanju tlačno litih izdelkov iz zlitine A413 s pristopom ustreznosti

P. Raghunayagan, A. Murugarajan
2019 Materiali in Tehnologije  
This research, focused on a newly casted A413 diesel-engine-head aluminium alloy produced under optimal casting conditions by pressure die casting, is also used for a machinability characteristics study. The experiments were methodically conducted based on a central composite face-centred design of the response surface methodology to understand the influence of milling process parameters such as cutting speed (m/min), feed rate (mm/tooth) and depth of cut (mm) on the microhardness (HV) and
more » ... ce roughness (μm). The significance of the responses was validated using the analysis of variance. Multi-objective optimization using the desirability function was adopted to optimize the process parameters that simultaneously maximize the microhardness and minimize the surface roughness. The scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of the machined surface results shows that there is certain surface damage that reduces the quality of final surface components, such as scratches, feed line damage and inclusion of the tool material. Corresponding to the highest desirability, the optimal values of the process parameters were found to be 215.644 m/min for the cutting speed, 0.230 mm/tooth for the feed rate and 1.043 mm for the depth of cut. V raziskavi so se avtorji osredoto~ili na nov dizelski motor iz tla~no lite Al zlitine A413, ki je bil izdelan pri optimalnih pogojih litja. Analizirali so mehansko obdelovalnost tega ulitka. Preizkuse so metodi~no izvajali na centralni kompozitni strani, da bi razumeli vpliv procesnih parametrov rezkanja, kot so: rezalna hitrost (m/min), hitrost podajanja (mm/zob) in globina reza (mm) na mikrotrdoto (HV) in povr{insko hrapavost (μm). Pomembnost odzivov so ovrednotili z uporabo analize variance. Uporabili so ve~objektno optimizacijo z uporabo funkcije ustreznosti za optimizacijo procesnih parametrov, ki isto~asno maksimira mikrotrdoto in minimira povr{insko hrapavost. Rezkano povr{ino ulitkov so pregledali pod vrsti~nim elektronskim mikroskopom (SEM) in na{li dolo~ene povr{inske po{kodbe, kot so raze in~rte ter vklju~ki materiala iz orodja, ki zmanj{ujejo kvaliteto povr{ine kon~nih izdelkov. V skladu s postavljeno najvi{jo ustreznostjo so ugotovili, da so optimalne vrednosti procesnih parametrov naslednje: za rezalno hitrost 215,644 m/min, 0,230 mm/zob za hitrost podajanja in 1,043 mm za globino reza.
doi:10.17222/mit.2018.223 fatcat:pijkbdb2vzawndui63633ayi7m