Recent Extensions to the Cochran–Mantel–Haenszel Tests

J. Rayner, Paul Rippon
2018 Stats  
The Cochran–Mantel–Haenszel (CMH) methodology is a suite of tests applicable to particular tables of count data. The inference is conditional on the treatment and outcome totals on each stratum being known before sighting the data. The CMH tests are important for analysing randomised blocks data when the responses are categorical rather than continuous. This overview of some recent extensions to CMH testing first describes the traditional CMH tests and then explores new alternative
more » ... of the ordinal CMH tests. Next, the ordinal CMH tests will be extended so they can be used to test for higher moment effects. Finally, unconditional analogues of the extended CMH tests will be developed.
doi:10.3390/stats1010008 fatcat:he2cjfz2qrajnit66mh4ll6idy