Hepatitis B Stages Of Disease In First Visit In All Different Age Groups At Asian Institute Of Medical Science

Dr. Muhammad Adnan Bawany*, Dr. Muhammad Salih Channa, Dr. Muhammad Akbar Memon, Dr. Adnan Ali Khahro, Dr. Rabail Bohio, Dr. Farrukh Bohio, Dr. Zulfiqar Ali Qutrio Baloch And Dr. Muhammad Ayyaz
2017 Zenodo  
Objective: To determine the prevalence of Hepatitis B disease stages in different age groups of the patients which first visited at Asian institute of Medical Science hospital Hyderabad. Matirial and Methods: This observational and descriptive study was conducted at AIMS Hospital Hyderabad during the time of January 2010 to December 2012. In this study all patients' presentation was noted on the proforma who first visited with HBV, all age groups were included in this study. Results: All
more » ... s of this study mostly infected with HBV were with young age group with the percentage of 32.25% between the 26- 35 year. Mostly patients were found in HBV phase of chronic hepatitis inactive carriers. Only 12.2% patients were found with co-infection with HCV. Conclusion: We concluded in this study according to hepatiis B phases, mostly patients were found in chronic hepatitis inactive phase and very poor percentage of the patients with HCV positive in the HBV infected patients. Keywords: Hepatitis B; Stages; Different ages; Phases of disease; Co-infections
doi:10.5281/zenodo.893304 fatcat:6c26msdhu5cwzdrj7krdomkzcu