The Romanian-Finnish Cultural Relations: History, Trends, Bibliography

Alexandru Popescu
2009 Revista Romana de Studii Baltice si Nordice. The Romanian Journal for Baltic and Nordic Studies  
The scientific interest for the study of the Romanian-Finnish relations considerably increased during the last years. Within this trend, this article focuses on the Romanian-Finnish cultural relations and briefly presents the most important events and moments in the history of these relations, from the 19th century to the present. It also includes a selective bibliography on the Romanian-Finnish cultural relations, with works published both in Finland and Romania. The article stresses the need
more » ... or further research in the field of Romanian-Finnish cultural relations, noticing that when the quality of the political relations was negatively affected by different historical circumstances, the cultural contacts have been maintained and even developed.
doi:10.53604/rjbns.v1i1_8 fatcat:7gcegnkvojcxjbun42xm7htdai