Economic valuation of the world cultural heritage for promoting community-based flood disaster management ; a case study of Ayutthaya Historical Park

Even though, Ayutthaya Historical City was valued as one of the world heritage sites, an interaction between groups of people (local residents, visitors and outsiders) and historical park has been decreasing. This is because of the face that the historical city was devalued its attractiveness for the tourism. The major threats affecting on existence of Ayutthaya heritage sites are not only at risk from human disaster through a devaluation of the heritage sites but also at risk from natural
more » ... ter, especially floods. The study hence focuses on reflecting actual value of Ayutthaya Historical City by utilizing economic valuations of cultural heritages, named CVM and TCM techniques. Meanwhile, the study adapts SWOT-AHP technique for indicating potential factors influencing on individuals' perception and awareness in cultural and historical heritages.
doi:10.34382/00009073 fatcat:uafqrfok4vdrfp3wjc4glrsexy