Clonal somatic copy number altered driver events inform drug sensitivity in high-grade serous ovarian cancer

Filipe Correia Martins, Dominique-Laurent Couturier, Ines de Santiago, Carolin Margarethe Sauer, Maria Vias, Mihaela Angelova, Deborah Sanders, Anna Piskorz, James Hall, Karen Hosking, Anumithra Amirthanayagam, Sabina Cosulich (+21 others)
2022 Zenodo  
The R markdown document MartinsEtAl-Code-Zenodo.Rmd contains the R code used to generate statistical results - like estimates, tests and p-values - presented in the manuscript Somatic chromosomal number alterations affecting driver genes inform in-vitro and clinical drug response in high-grade serous ovarian cancer of Martins et al (2022). The required data input files are available in the zip file The pdf file MartinsEtAl-Code-Zenodo.pdf shows the compiled output.
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doi:10.5281/zenodo.7094277 fatcat:fb4unx6c3vhrvlkkwyf2xs2jai