The impact of information culture on the adoption of mobile cloud learning in higher education environments

Bassam A.Y Alqaralleh, Malek Zakarya Alksasbeh, Tamer AbuKahlil, Harbi Almahafzah
2019 International Journal of Engineering & Technology  
Adoption of new innovated technologies has become an important requirement for a successful development and implementation of computer systems. Mobile cloud learning is a relatively recent paradigm shift that provides significant promise for meeting future education development and delivery requirements based on mobile cloud computing. The focal point of this study is to develop a conceptual model which highlights the effects of information cultural factors on the adoption of mobile cloud
more » ... ng in higher education environments. The proposed model is developed based on four identified information cultural variables, namely information integrity, formality, control and pro-activeness. A pilot survey is conducted to test the questionnaire using a small sample of information systems experts and university lecturers. The results show acceptable reliability and validity of the instrument. Finally, conclusions, possible practical contributions of this study and some of the directions for upcoming research are discussed.
doi:10.14419/ijet.v8i4.29771 fatcat:7bjjjc45cnesxndcskumcaojie