Angioleiomyoma of nasal septum: Case report and literature review

Varun V. Varadarajan, Jeb M. Justice
2016 Otolaryngology Case Reports  
Angioleiomyoma is a benign soft tissue tumor of smooth muscle origin with a vascular component and is an uncommon form of leiomyoma. Angioleiomyoma presenting in the nasal cavity is exceedingly rare and there are 68 reported cases in the literature worldwide. We present a case of angioleiomyoma of the nasal septum and review its diagnosis and treatment. Study Design: Case report and Literature Review. Methods: The medical records of a 69-year-old patient with an angioleiomyoma of the nasal
more » ... m were reviewed. The PubMed database was searched for literature describing anglioleiomyoma of the nasal cavity using the key words "angioleiomyoma" with "nasal cavity," "nasal septum," "nose," or "sinus." Results: A 69-year-old female patient presented with progressive right-sided nasal obstruction and epistaxis. Office examination revealed stigmata of recent bleeding and nasal endoscopy revealed a mass arising from the right nasal septum. Computerized tomography with intravenous contrast revealed a 1.3 x 1.1 cm heterogeneously enhancing vascular lesion arising from the right nasal septum. The patient was taken to the operating room for endoscopic resection. Conclusion: Angioleiomyoma of the nasal septum is a rare and challenging clinical diagnosis that requires detailed histopathologic examination. Literature review suggests a female predilection with possible hormonal influence.
doi:10.1016/j.xocr.2016.10.001 fatcat:rmsdhpnggjfwxp2itwg7c6pzi4