Optimal Flow Distribution Algorithm for Efficient Service Function Chaining
효율적인 서비스 기능 체이닝을 위한 최적의 플로우 분배 알고리즘

Myeongsu Kim, Giwon Lee, Sukjin Choo, Sangheon Pack, Younghwa Kim
2015 The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences  
Service function chaining(SFC) defines the creation of network services that consist of an ordered set of service function. A multiple service function instances should be deployed across networks for scalable and fault-tolerant SFC services. Therefore, an incoming flows should be distributed to multiple service function instances appropriately. In this paper, we formulate the flow distribution problem in SFC aiming at minimizing the end-to-end flow latency under resource constraints. Then, we
more » ... valuate its optimal solution in a realistic network topology generated by the GT-ITM topology generator. Simulation results reveal that the optimal solution can reduce the total flow latency significantly.
doi:10.7840/kics.2015.40.6.1032 fatcat:h2rb7vy2snfvhbhva3h6jh5gki