Quantitative Analysis of Various Carotenoids from Different Colored Paprika Using UPLC
UPLC를 이용한 색상별 파프리카 유래 카로티노이드의 정량적 평가

Jeong Rok Hwang, In Kyeong Hwang, Suna Kim
2015 Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology  
This study aimed to simultaneously determine various carotenoids from different colored paprika using an ultra performance liquid chromatograph (UPLC) equipped with a HSS T3 column. Analysis was performed at 450 nm using gradient conditions with acetonitrile/methanol/methylene chloride (65/25/10) and distilled water. We improved the peak resolution and performed carotenoid analysis within 30 min. We qualitatively analyzed 11 carotenoids (neoxanthin, capsorubin, violaxanthin, capsanthin,
more » ... in, lutein, α-cryptoxanthin, β-cryptoxanthin, lycopene, α-carotene, and βcarotene). For the validation of UPLC methods, we validated the precision and accuracy of capsanthin. Capsanthin showed good linearity (R 2 =0.9998) in the concentration range of 1-200 µg/mL with 2.4 and 7.2 µg/mL of limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ), respectively. The relative standard deviation (RSD) for intra-and inter-day precision was less than 3.83%. Recovery was in the range of 91.86-99.87%. We quantitatively analyzed carotenoid contents from 8 different colored paprika (red, orange, yellow, and green). The most abundant carotenoids were capsanthin in red paprika, and zeaxanthin in orange, yellow, and green paprika.
doi:10.9721/kjfst.2015.47.1.1 fatcat:sibmwzjbwfdkxds7ahvs7yr3iu